What are the Top U.S Imports | Importing in United States

According to resources, Total import in USA reached more than $2.20 Trillion by the year 2022.

USA is known to import products with quality & authenticity and for that USA has already tied up as a trading partner with many countries globally.

Top US Imports

China, Mexico and Canada along with India are considered as the largest trading partner of USA at the present moment.

E-commerce is also booming in USA with a revenue of more than $900 Billion by 2022, which can also help importers in USA to run successful eCommerce business.

There are many Online selling platforms & marketplaces in USA available today which can help anyone to sell products online without any hassle.

Best Products to Import in USA

  • Apparels
  • Electronic gadgets & accessories
  • Handicrafts
  • Carpets
  • Sportswear
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Organic food
  • Jewelry
  • Rubber & Plastic
  • Furniture
  • Vehicles
  • Broadcasting Equipment

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