Which are the best free online marketing tools?

More than 4.52 Billion people around the world are using any one of the social media platform by 2022 and more users are rapidly growing.

free online marketing tools

The majority of people are using Facebook(Meta) at the present moment, following by YouTube and Meta owned Instagram.

The rise of eCommerce industry works as a catalyst in the growth of social media platforms, as it is used to market products & services.

Online sellers are making relevant use of social media platforms in marketing their product but without appropriate optimization they cannot make the best out of it.

So, we have come with the best social media marketing tools through which one can shoot their marketing campaign in the right direction.

What are the free Social Media Marketing Tools?

  • Mailchimp
  • Sendinblue
  • Constant contact
  • Pablo by Buffer
  • Audiense
  • Followerwonk
  • Quicksprout
  • Mobile monkey
  • Zohosocial
  • Hubspot
  • Coschedule
  • Socialmention
  • Hootsuite

Note: One can also use Keyword research tools & Influence marketing platforms like Heepsy, in order to enhance marketing strategy.

Helpful resource

Facebook Ad Guide

How to sell on social media platforms

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