Export to Africa from India

Research says that, the total export from India to Africa reached an estimated revenue of more than $50 Billion by the year 2021 which accounts for 8% of Indian export.

But as our research & development team calculated through trusted resources, it stood at approx $18 Billion because the natural resources trade value is not included in it.

There are numbers of trade agreements has been signed between India & Africa which will going to benefit the exporters from both the ends.

East Africa

Export from India to East-Africa
Export revenue from India to East Africa

Central Africa

Export revenue from India to Central Africa

North Africa

Export revenue from India to North Africa

South Africa

Export revenue from India to Southern Africa

Cereals | Pharmaceuticals | Textiles are the major products exported from India to Africa.

So, Africa is a very good market for Indian exporters and sellers to look deeper and expand as much as possible.

Also due to the increase in the E-commerce industry which stood at more than $24 Billion and Internet penetration rate in Africa, global investors are turning their wheel to one of the oldest regions on Earth.

E-commerce in Africa

E-commerce revenue retail share in Africa

Internet Penetration rate in Africa

So, its a good scope for Indian exporters and sellers to grab the African market whether through offline channels or online selling platforms & marketplaces in Africa.

Useful resources

How to export from India?

India comeback in Trade with Africa

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