How to sell internationally on Etsy

According to source, there are more than 96 million active buyers are present on Etsy by 2022, which is a rise of 18% from the last year.

How to sell internationally on Etsy

For artist, vintage product sellers and digital creators – Etsy emerged as the number one choice because of its presence around the world.

Etsy has grabbed the attention & popularity in every eCommerce dominating country like US & Canada | UK & Germany | India & Australia.

Due to all this it is the best online marketplace for artist which can help them to expand the visibility of their product globally.

Selling internationally on Etsy

  • Set up your shop on Etsy by registering through your email address and filling up the necessary details about your business.
  • Choose the best selling digital product on Etsy.
  • Add your product listing & its pricing and appropriate description along with appealing image.
  • Now under shipping settings, set up your shipping profile which will add different pricing for domestic & international orders.
  • If you are living in US & Canada then you can use automatic shipping calculator and if you are living somewhere else then you have to calculate & add it manually.
  • After getting the exact shipping cost based on your product weight & dimension, you can add specific country along with different cost of the product which is based upon the import & shipping fees.
  • Make sure to Print custom form for shipping & enable the Automatic Listing Translation which would be very beneficial for your business.

Useful resources

Custom Fees and Physical VAT Collection

Countries Eligible for Etsy Payments

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