Create free E-commerce online store from scratch

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Create free E-commerce online store from scratch

In the 21st-century the E-commerce industry is booming with the speed that no one can imagine before and now it is shaping the business world in a different dimension.

If we talk about to create a free E-commerce online store then it is possible to create it but to execute it, manage it, enhance it – one will surely need to invest time in it because there are couple of services that one needs to take in order to run a successful E-commerce business.

6 Steps to create a free E-commerce online store from scratch

  • Website builder: First, one needs to select a free website builder for their online store where they can get a complete space or structure for the E-commerce store.
  • Theme: Select a theme or we can say the template of your choice which already saves you a lot of time in designing an online store.
  • Domain name: It’s upon you if you want to buy a domain name for your business or want to use a sub-domain provided by the company which helps you to build an E-commerce website.
  • Product: Choose your niche products and add them to your E-commerce online store with clear pictures.
  • Payment Gateway: Set up a payment gateway if your website builder has provided you with free integration services or you can use the free payment gateway like PayPal.
  • Shipping: Its upon you how you want to ship your products like through yourself or by any third party company – you can charge your client a shipping fee in order to cover up your shipping expenses.

Congratulations! You can now launch your online store.

USA BusinessΒ helps everyone whether you are an individual or a business toΒ set up an E-commerce online store along with Shipping |payment gateway and company incorporation + bankingΒ to run a successful E-commerce business.

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