Payment gateway in India with no set-up fee

Update: 4/21/2020

The first thing comes in your mind when you want to apply for a gateway or a merchant account is about the setup fee as its hard at the initial stage to invest even a small amount of money but remember without risk & investment you cannot be able to move forward or play a long game.

β€œNothing is free. Everything has to be paid for. For every profit in one thing, payment in some other thing.”

Ted Hughes

There are many payment gateways companies that will offer you the pricing that includes the setup fee cost as well as the normal transaction fee which is known as MDR.

Merchant Discount Rate(MDR)Know more

Also, there are many companies that would offer you the direct processing process fee without thinking about the setup fee that means sign up & running after completion of KYC verification.

However, as we have mentioned in our old article that it’s not about the setup fee that matters but the transaction fee. So in this article, we are going to mention all the gateways that would provide you with the payment gateway in India with no setup fee.

Before proceeding further do compare the transaction fee and some other stuff mentioned below in order to save a huge amount of money.

Things to compare:

  • Transaction fee
  • Payment methods
  • PCI-DSS Compliant
  • Payout cycle
  • Customer support

1- Instamojo

2- CCavenue

3- Razorpay

4- Paytm

5- Cashfree

These are the best gateways that come out with no set-up fee and anyone can start by directly & only have to pay for the transaction fee.

Need a customized payment gateway for your business?

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