FDA Registration in India

Food & Drug Administration(FDA) was founded in year 1906 with the aim to protect public health and provide the necessary safety to the food supply within the USA.

FDA Registration in India

USA is considered as the largest trading partner of India and as we all know that Indian products are very famous in USA as well as around the world because of their quality.

But that doesn’t mean that they don’t require the FDA registration for their products.

How to get FDA License/Certificate/Registration in India?

In order to get the FDA license in India, you have three ways which are mentioned below.

Way 1: Either you can directly connect with the US FDA members present within India. We have shared the contact details below for the same.

Way 2: You can do the registration online by yourself and hire the US FDA agent through number of sources like Upwork and so on.

Way 3: You can use the service providers like Registrar Corp | Corpbiz who will help you in the overall process by themselves.

Who needs FDA Registration Number/Certificate/License?

Any food manufacturer or supplier would need FDA registration. Whether you are selling Health supplements, Cosmetics, Tea or any other product which is going to be consumed or used towards humans or animals has to be registered under FDA.

FDA License Fees

FDA don’t charge any fees but the US agent will charge you. Make sure to compare pricing before moving with any specific US agent.

FDA Registration agent in India

FDA agent has to be present in US not India, so you cannot hire any FDA agent within India.

FDA Registration Online India

FDA has a official website through which anyone can apply online for the registration.

Useful resource

Importing Food products in USA

Importing tea, coffee and spices for commercial purposes in USA

Import & Export in USA

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