Export to Gulf Countries from India

Export to Gulf Cooperation Council from India is increasing year by year with an estimated revenue of $40 Billion by the year 2021.

UAE is the largest importer of Indian products following by Saudi Arabia and so on which we have mentioned in the below given report.

Gulf Cooperation CouncilExport revenue from India
Bahrain$0.69 Billion
Kuwait$1.90 Billion
Oman$2.29 Billion
Qatar$1.50 Billion
Saudi Arabia$6.49 Billion
United Arab Emirates$28.81 Billion

According to Ministry of Commerce & Industry of India, Economic cooperation agreement has been signed between both the nations and mutual conversations are going on for the free trade agreements.

E-commerce market in Gulf Cooperation Council is estimated at $20 Billion by the year 2021 and increasing with a growth rate of 14%.

E-commerce revenue in Gulf Cooperation Council

Indian exporters and online sellers have a huge opportunity in Gulf countries, so its a good time to grab the market of all the GCC countries.

Useful resources

How to export from India?

Trade with GCC

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