E-commerce Payment Gateway in Austria

According to resources, Austria is the 22nd largest eCommerce market amongst all the countries in Europe.

The E-commerce industry is rising in Austria with a revenue of more than $12 Billion and increasing with a 16.79% growth rate by the year 2021.

E-commerce payment gateway in Austria
Report by JP Morgan

Internet penetration rate reached 89% that means 8 Million internet users which is the main reason behind the development of eCommerce industry in Austria.

Internet penetration automatically triggers the usage of online shopping and digital payments in Austria.

Card and Open invoices are the most used payment method in Austria at the present moment as the bank account penetration crossed 98% by 2021.

Best Payment Gateway in Austria

  • Fondy
  • 2checkout
  • SagePay
  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Checkout
  • Bluesnap
  • Cybersource
  • Gocardless
  • Makecommerce
  • PaymentWall


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