What is Business License & Permit?
It is a sort of legal document which allows Individual/businesses to conduct their business by following the guidelines of the government.
Basically it’s permission or we can say the authorization from the government so that you can run your business.
Why do you need a business license or permits?
Every country’s government needs to know the nature, revenue, location of your business to track all the activities in order to make sure that your business doesn’t doing any sort of illegal activity which can harm the country in any manner.
Do you need a Business License to sell online?
Basically it totally depends upon country to country and state to state. Like a few states in the USA, one will surely be going to need a business license to operate their business but in other states you don’t need a license.
Similarly, in the UK it’s not necessary to have a business license to run your online business and in India too.
There can also be a scenario where it totally depends upon the revenue process like there would be a threshold set by the government and if you cross that then you will surely going to need a business licens
Like in India one needs to get registered under GST if they cross a certain limit decided by the Indian government.
However, in a few states, you will need a business license at the initial stage to run your online business.
Sellerβs Permit Vs Business License
Sellerβs permit and business licenses are two very different things.
A business license allows you to operate in any location and a sellerβs permit identifies you as a collector of sales tax. You have to pay to get a business license, but a sellerβs permit is free.
What is the cost of a Business License?
It can be start from $50-$500, depends upon the nature of your business.
What do I need to do in order to obtain a business license?
According to sources applying for a business license often requires a couple of things in the USA/Canada and Europe as well in India.
- The legal structure of your company like a sole proprietorship or an LLC/LLP
- A complete summary of a business’s activities
- A GST License which you can obtain from your state or local authority
USA Business can help you to acquire a license and permits anywhere in the world
Useful resources:
Do you need a business registration to sell digital products online? – Read more
Start Making Money From Home – Read more
7 Permits and Licenses Your Online Business Needs – Read more
Business License with resources – Read more