The E-commerce industry revenue in Singapore is valued at more than $7.2 billion in 2022 and expected to reach $11 Billion by the year 2025.

Internet penetration rate reached more than 92% by 2022, which means more than 5.4 Million internet users in Singapore at the present moment.
With the futuristic initiatives taken by the Singapore government like Retail Industry Transformation Map (ITM and Networked Trade Platform (NTP) β Singapore is set to be the finest country in Asia for doing E-commerce business after India & China.
Amazon, Lazada, Q0010 along with Carousell are the top E-commerce players in Singapore.
More than 3.3 Million people make use of digital payments in Singapore.
Want to Start your E-commerce journey in Singapore?
Whomsoever wants to start their E-commerce journey β USA Business helps everyone whether you are an individual or a business to set up E-commerce online store in Singapore along with Shipping | Payment gateway and Company incorporation + Banking to run a successful E-commerce business.