E-Commerce Market in India

The E-Commerce market in India rising with a different sort of pace and generating $84 Billion in revenue by 2022 and expected to cross $200 Billion by the year 2024-2027.

E-Commerce Market in India

The major reason behind this growth is the internet penetration rate in India which has reached 60% (840 Million users)by the year 2022.

Mind is never a problem, Mindset is.”

Mr. Narendra Modi

The Prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi out of the box thinking and unique leadership sets out India from the crowd.

His vision is to make India(Bharat) a $5 trillion digital economy by the year 2025. By continuously taking bold decisions along with changing foreign policies and forging platforms for Start-ups is shaping E-commerce to a different level in India.

India: retail e-commerce revenue forecast from 2017 to 2024

The effect can be seen in purchasing online that is more than 75% people purchase online through mobile and average annual revenue per consumer reached $130 which is expected to reach $200 by 2025.


India is supposed to experience a huge increase in the middle-class segment by the year 2025.

India will play a vital role in the global middle-class level consumption and also dominate the middle-class market by 2025 leaving behind the USA and China.

So, it is the right time for Investors and Entrepreneurs to move their wheels towards India as soon as possible.

Useful resources

E-commerce business types with Statistics

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