How to create a digital download products website

The most easiest products to sell today are the digital ones because of their simple accessibility and value for money.

How to create a digital download products website

Global digital technology/services revenue reached more than $1.8 Trillion by 2022 & expected to reach $2.8 Trillion by the year 2025.

Digital industry offers employment to millions of people around the world whether it was in music, painting, development or any other stream

Many nomads and entrepreneurs wants to live an independent life by roaming globally but today’s living needs money to survive.

By creating & selling digital products offers the solution to bear the expenses. And in this article we will tell you about creating as well as selling of digital product globally.

You can learn practically anything you want in the world online.

Matt Mullenweg (Founder of WordPress)

Steps To Create a digital download website

Step 1: If you are a newbie then start with free website builder and for experienced one, they can go with

Step 2: You can find many video tutorials over the internet about making website on and if you are making it on any website builder then obviously you will get the full support from company.

Step 3: Once you are done with the selection of platforms, just start designing your website with a drag & drop options.

How to create digital downloads products

First you have to decide what do you want to make or develop like an eBook | Music | Art | Application | Themes | Plugins | Software | Games| Videos or any other digital product.

How to create a digital download link

It totally depends upon your digital product like if you are selling video or music, then just upload it on any cloud storage platforms like Google or One Drive and from there you can easily get the link.

If you are selling eBook or Art then make it ready in PDF or JPEG/PNG format and follow the above instructions.

If you are selling software or app then you have to follow the same procedure but by keeping in mind the size as well as other necessities of your product.

How to sell digital downloads

Anyone one can sell it through two ways – Either through their own website or any Online platforms & marketplaces.

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